The Baumberge ... take a delight in being on holidays
Situated in the midst of the region of the Münsterland are the idyllic Baumberge, a gently swung hill landscape with wide, golden valleys, dense-wooded mountain tops, peacefully rippeling brooks, quiet walkways flooded by the midday sun, stately farms and remarkable buildings.
Embedded in this attractive landscape, the cities of Billerbeck and Coesfeld and the communities of Havixbeck , Nottuln and Rosendahl present their beautiful sights.
The "Baumberger Sandsteinroute"
would like to invite you to cycling. On well-postponed circular routes, you can discover more than 200 big and small buildings made of the famous Baumberger sandstone. Because of its central location, the holiday region Baumberge also is an ideal site to discover the whole Münsterland with its numerous sights . If you are interested in our region you can contact us .
The 100-Schlösser-Route
at 1250 km, which counts as the main route with a small green lock icon and 750 km black marked connections - is also the "Queen of the bicycle routes referred. All together they form a dense network, which allows space for more than 100 castles in day trips or multi-day stage with the wheel to Experience. If you are interested in our region you can contact us .